2012….on your doorstep

    Hello World
    My last post for 2011
    2011 has been a great challenge for me personally and professionally
    So if I have to summarize 2011 it would be

    Rocking & thrilling
    Met new people…learned so many things about human nature….
    I got confirmed in my job have been assigned to a new unit where had and still have so many challenges
    Sadness ….
    Learn so many bad news about my dear ones…especially when you witness the downfall of people you thought you knew…

    So for 2012 the do items on the resolution list will be:
    - Do my MBA
    - Find another job & quit for good the banking sector
    - Be more confident & extrovert
    - More time for my dear ones

    I also pray that in 2012 the world become a better place to live…less war…less violence…less hatred…
    less selfishness
    On this I wish you and your dearest ones a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2012

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2012….on your doorstep

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Christmas…Season of Joy to the World

    Helloooo World
    The Christmas festive season is finally here
    Season of gaiety, laughter & cheerful memories
    Season of tenderness, love, selflessness & goodness
    Season of friendship & relations
    May you & your close ones be blessed and be happy on this joyful occasion
    Merry Christmas my friend

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Christmas…Season of Joy to the World

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    Hello World...

    I love waking by the waking sunlight....

    I love the feeling of the early sunrays warming my skin & soul...

    breathing life to the day....

    I then always wonder how it would have been if we all live a simple life and for once smile & rejoice for the sky

    being blue & the sun so shiny

    But I live for the night...

    I love watching the sun setting down...
    every dusk… a new spectacle...
    the flaming sun shedding

    its last rays on the horizon painting a peaceful time for self reflection & rest...

    How I love walking back home with the myriad color of the twilight sky ...
    the day closing by...

    the sense of tranquility...peacefulness & loneliness....


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2nd Blog Anniversary

    Hello World….
    I will always remember the day how I decided to start blogging…on an impulse…
    not knowing what kind of blog I will have…what it will be the title or subtitle…

    all decided on an itch…just for knowing how it feels to have a blog…and be a blogger…
    today am quite proud of my small world I have crafted there…
    my blog has become my alter world …like Gaia has become my alter ego…

    people have always reproached me of being too introvert…making me feel
    dull somehow doubting myself…
    but blogging has helped me so much…a place where I have found a sort of an
    oasis or Eldorado…where I can feel I can be myself… talk freely about the world I picture through my eyes….

    being someone who prefer the unspoken to the spoken…my blog has become the place where each word reflect part of my unspoken thoughts …
    each drawing or picture complementing my unspoken feelings…

    thanks to blogging… despite being physically in one place… I travel virtually in different places around the planet…landing in all kinds of fabulous worlds…


    I also seize this opportunity to thank all my readers, commenters and visitors...        
    I hope my blogging journey will be always flourishing as today….
    A happy blog anniversary to my blog ...


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2nd Blog Anniversary

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Enchanting Summer

    Hello World...
    winter is fading away...and summer is slowly throwing its veil over the island...
    how to narrate you the beauty of the welcoming summer in Mauritius...
    the explosion of color and its incredible glow ... lighting up the sky, the air and
    the landscapes...
    with each dawn having its own beauty and story to live

    with each dusk being a mystic and serene moment...

    the waking up of nature after the sleeping winter...blooming their delight at
    the touch of the summer sunrays....
    the sun light reflecting its bliss on the ocean at the far horizon...with promise of beautiful ballad
    each flora and fauna of the island delivering their own pleasure at welcoming
    the arrival of summer...
    how not to love the summer festive

    BIGTrois mamelles

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Enchanting Summer

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Old is Gold

    Hello World....
    life is a strange journey...
    full of self discovery...an ongoing learning process...
    I would take the example of my grandparents cos its inspire this vision of life
    how the eyes reflect the vision of life and how the heart or mind interpret life is such a beautiful story...
    when I was in my teens, whenever I would meet my grandparents they would talk about the past
    or the morals or values they used to have...
    I would then think that they didn't understand the new generation ...
    today these conversations have taken a golden dimension...
    with a new eye vision and mindset, I now perceive this life cycle...
    when I was a teen, my main aim was to finish school then work then study...
    most people aim is to find a good job with a good salary package...
    but for my grandparents, they have reached such a stage when all those materials life aims are minimalist...
    for them, their day-to-day is
    life itself...
    they now talk about the remaining life that they have to live...  they talk so freely about their death...
    whenever I would hear them talk about their past, I now cherish these golden experiences...
    why those golden moments would soon be rare......where I have learn the essence of life from them...

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Old is Gold

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Wonder Life....

    Hello World....

    Ever wonder how life would have been if ……
    there was no vicious cycle of money...
    no corporate world...no rush hour to work...or race against time...

    You do not have to feel obliged even you do not want to wake up early and rush to work...


    You do not have to compete with computer to save time & be cold & emotionless & be mechanical

    You do not have to hear or face the abuse of your boss...

    or even feel bad if you feel ill or is not introvert enough to match their needs.…

    instead there would be flora & fauna mushrooming everywhere...
    Jean-Marc_Janiaczyk_Art_Painting_tourn et lav

    you live following your own rhythm... there is no rules & regulations...there is no KPI and performance


    You feel really free in your moves... you can jump in the air laugh & smile on the street....



    feel good for what you are...


    you can take the time to watch the blue sky...feel the heat of the sun on your skin...feel the breeze brushing you & breathe life....


    and finally feel happy & at peace....

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Wonder Life....

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Seeking Escape...

    Hello World...
    patience is indeed a virtue....
    Patience is a key of joy
    if ever you had read about my post where i wanted to quit my job...
    well you will never know what has happened since then...


    surprise surprise...
    the HR asked me if I wanted interested in joining another dept...
    and of course I said YES....
    but things aren’t that easy...
    here comes the unwanted barriers on my path...
    My actual head isn’t that willing to release me...
    and that just enrage me that he can stoop so low...
    the dept am joining will not be easy but somehow am very happy and relieved that i have found the escape door from this hellish department...
    what I learn from this : 

    never to take a decision in haste.... 

    time itself will provide you with the solution... 
    and always to have faith


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Seeking Escape...

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